How Many Books Are In Istria (1945)

1. Istria: Recipes and stories from the hidden heart of Italy, Slovenia a

  • Missing: (1945) | Show results with:(1945)

  • Istria is the heart-shaped promontory at the northern crux of the Adriatic Sea, where rows of vines and olives grow in fields of red earth. Here, the cuisine records a history of changing borders - a blend of the countries (Italy, the Republic of Venice, Austria, and Hungary) that have shared Istria's hills and coasts

2. Genealogy - Cities, Towns and Hamlets - 1945 - Istria on the Internet

  • This pair of books gives a detailed information on the population of Istria, based on the unofficial survey on October 1, 1945, months after the end of WWII.

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  • The CHR focuses on five areas: general history, ethnography, dialectology, history of the worker's movement, and the resistance. Although the majority of books ...

4. Istria (Landschutz) - Page 3 -

  • Jun 5, 2003 · When the Germans tried to save themselves on 2 May 1945 leaving Fiume to gain Lubiana the Italians troops remained (and were slaughtered). No ...

  • Ok Gentlemen, it'clear that, after 60 years since the final Gottammerdug in the broder regions of OZAK, many things are still obscure. I'm the first to admit I discovered in this forum debate many datas I didn't know. As the general interest about this subject seems quint an hight one I will aks some more questions to the most active members of this thread hoping in their help for history' sake only. I have to add that some of the next questions have originated from other previous, similar forum titles. Being the matter a common one I will write them here and in the original topics too but, perhaps, it will be possible for the readers to follow them under this titole only.

5. Istrian Spring - IEMed

  • The Istrian peninsula has been the home of many peoples, cultures and religions. It has formed part of the Republic of Venice, the Austro-Hungarian Empire or ...

  • The Istrian peninsula has been the home of many peoples, cultures and religions. It has formed part of the Republic of Venice, the Austro-Hungarian Empire or Yugoslavia.

6. University Library - Pula

  • The Provincial Library of Istria (Biblioteca Provinciale dell`Istria) contains about 30,000 volumes of books and journals. Approximately 95% of the ...

  • In 1949 the Scientific Library was founded and took possession of the holdings of the Provincial Library of Istria (asmall part of this library’s collection was taken away to Italy between 1943 and 1947). After 1949 purchased and donated books were mostly acquired in the Croatian language. As of 1951 the library obtained a mandatory copy of every document printed in Croatia. As of 1994, the library was incorporated into the University of Rijeka, and in 1995 its new name became the University Library of Pula.

7. [PDF] Dark Shades of Istria - Založba Univerze na Primorskem

  • (1943) and Bačić (1945); some authors even publish in Slovenia, where the attitude to this war was, and still is, obviously different (Herman Kaurić,. 2015a ...

8. “Istrian exodus”: Between official and alternative memories ... - Érudit

  • Mar 12, 2024 · 2018). Page 12. 41. “ISTRIAN EXODUS”. Among the many novels dedicated to the “exodus” and its consequences, those that have been translated are ...


  • the author of one of the most relevant books on the Istrian exile, wrote: ... Some “Esuli”regularly visit Istria. Some have managed to keep their former ...

10. [PDF] Divided memories. Istrian exodus in the urban space of Trieste1 - ArTS

  • Ballinger, whose book on the topic explains many of the exiles' operations of ... Istria 1945–1956, Trieste: IRSML FVG,. 1980. The volume was preceded by ...

11. Kulturni mozaik Istre (1922.-1955.) The Istrian Cultural ... - CEEOL

  • The burning of German and Croatian books from school libraries, the systematic closing of Croatian and Slovenian schools and cultural institutions aimed at the ...

  • Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank

12. Italian Biographies: The Quarnaro - Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia

  • Arrested with his wife Nerina Copetti on May 3, 1945 by the Yugoslav Secret Police (OZNA) while attempting to flee to Trieste. They were both shot to death by ...

  • Forgotten history of old Italian lands: Istria, Fiume, Dalmatia. After WWII 350,000 Italians were exiled and many others killed in the Foibe Genocide.


  • stria in the years 1945-1953. Some were, no doubt, victims of a deliberate policy carried out by the Communist Party of. Croatia, possibly with tacit support ...

14. [PDF] The Slovenian-Croatian border in Istria - Zavod 25. junij

  • Fe- renc, Ljudska oblast na Slovenskem 1941-1945, third book (hereinafter: Ljudska oblast ... After the liberation, on 6 May 1945, the Provincial National Libe-.

15. Pula - Istria Croatia Vaccations - Arena Campsites

  • Pula was finally liberated in May 1945 and remained under the regulations of the United Nations until September 1947, when it was officially united with Croatia ...

  • Colonia Pietas Iulia Pola, as Pula was named by the ancient Romans, has been writing its history for 3000 years. The city built at the end of a beautiful bay and on seven hills reveals many beautiful and interesting stories. According to legend, it w...

How Many Books Are In Istria (1945)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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